Class BigTableStorage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AbstractDataAccessorFactory<DirectDataOperator,​DataAccessor>, DataAccessorFactory,

    public class BigTableStorage
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements DataAccessorFactory
    Storage descriptor for bigtable:// URIs.

    BigTable storage uses URIs in the form of bigtable://<project>:<instance>/<table>?family=<family> and stores data using HBase client in BigTable instance instance of project project in table named table in family family.

    An optional parameter in URI called v can be used to distinguish two serialization versions of data in BigTable cell:

    1. v=1 (default) stores the serialized bytes of a value in a cell directly
    2. v=2 uses protobuffer to store more metadata into the value
    The v=2 serialization format is required to support transactions on top of BigTable, because the metadata preserves sequentialId (stored in StreamElement#getSequentialId).
    See Also:
    Serialized Form