Class TransformingCqlFactory<T extends>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TransformingCqlFactory<T extends>
    extends CacheableCqlFactory
    A CQL factory that stores data in other fields than what would suggest the model itself. The factory extracts column names and values from ingest by provided extractors. The ingest is first modified by provided parser.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • TransformingCqlFactory

        protected TransformingCqlFactory​(UnaryFunction<StreamElement,​T> parser,
                                         java.util.List<java.lang.String> columns,
                                         java.util.List<UnaryFunction<Pair<java.lang.String,​T>,​java.lang.Object>> extractors)
    • Method Detail

      • createDeleteStatement

        protected java.lang.String createDeleteStatement​(StreamElement ingest)
        Description copied from class: CacheableCqlFactory
        Create statement to be prepared for given ingest when deleting attribute.
        Specified by:
        createDeleteStatement in class CacheableCqlFactory
        ingest - the input element to create statement for
        string representation of the CQL
      • createInsertStatement

        protected java.lang.String createInsertStatement​(StreamElement element)
        Description copied from class: CacheableCqlFactory
        Create statement to be prepared for given ingest. This will be then stored in cache after call to prepare.
        Specified by:
        createInsertStatement in class CacheableCqlFactory
        element - the input element to create statement for
        string representation of the CQL
      • getWriteStatement

        public java.util.Optional<com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement> getWriteStatement​(StreamElement element,
                                                                                             com.datastax.driver.core.Session session)
        Description copied from interface: CqlFactory
        Retrieve a CQL query to execute in order to ingest the request.
        element - input data
        session - current session
        the statement to execute. When empty, the ingest is silently discarded.
      • createGetStatement

        protected java.lang.String createGetStatement​(java.lang.String attribute,
                                                      AttributeDescriptor desc)
        Description copied from class: CacheableCqlFactory
        Create get statement for key-attribute pair. The statement must return only single field with value.
        Specified by:
        createGetStatement in class CacheableCqlFactory
        attribute - the input attribute to create get for
        desc - the descriptor of the attribute
        string representation of the CQL
      • createListStatement

        protected java.lang.String createListStatement​(AttributeDescriptor wildcard)
        Description copied from class: CacheableCqlFactory
        Create list statement for key-wildcardAttribute pair. The statement must return two fields - attribute, value.
        Specified by:
        createListStatement in class CacheableCqlFactory
        wildcard - the descriptor of the attribute
        string representation of the CQL
      • getReadStatement

        public com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement getReadStatement​(java.lang.String key,
                                                                        java.lang.String attribute,
                                                                        AttributeDescriptor desc,
                                                                        com.datastax.driver.core.Session session)
        Description copied from interface: CqlFactory
        Retrieve a CQL query to execute in order to read data.
        key - the primary key whose attribute to return
        attribute - the attribute to fetch
        desc - descriptor of the attribute
        session - the connection session
        the statement to execute
      • getListStatement

        public com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement getListStatement​(java.lang.String key,
                                                                        AttributeDescriptor wildcard,
                                                                        Offsets.Raw offset,
                                                                        int limit,
                                                                        com.datastax.driver.core.Session session)
        Description copied from interface: CqlFactory
        Retrieve a CQL query to execute in order to list wildcard attributes. The prefix is name of wildcard attribute shortened by two last characters (.*).
        key - the primary key value (first part of the composite key)
        wildcard - the wildcard attribute to list
        offset - the offset to start from this might be null (start from beginning)
        limit - maximal number of elements to list (-1 for all)
        session - the connection session
        the statement to execute
      • createListEntitiesStatement

        protected java.lang.String createListEntitiesStatement()
        Description copied from class: CacheableCqlFactory
        Create list statement for entity keys. The statement must return single field - the entity key.
        Specified by:
        createListEntitiesStatement in class CacheableCqlFactory
        string representation of the CQL
      • createFetchTokenStatement

        protected java.lang.String createFetchTokenStatement()
        Description copied from class: CacheableCqlFactory
        Create statement to fetch token for primary key. The statement must return only the token as single field in single row.
        Specified by:
        createFetchTokenStatement in class CacheableCqlFactory
        string representation of the CQL
      • scanPartition

        public com.datastax.driver.core.Statement scanPartition​(java.util.List<AttributeDescriptor<?>> attributes,
                                                                CassandraPartition partition,
                                                                com.datastax.driver.core.Session session)
        Description copied from interface: CqlFactory
        Retrieve a bound statement to scan data for given attribute and partition.
        attributes - list of attributes to scan
        partition - the partition to scan
        session - connection session
        the statement to execute
      • createListAllStatement

        protected java.lang.String createListAllStatement​(com.datastax.driver.core.Session session)
        Description copied from class: CacheableCqlFactory
        Create statement to list all attributes of this entity.
        Specified by:
        createListAllStatement in class CacheableCqlFactory
        session - the connection session
        string representation of the CQL
      • getListAllStatement

        public <T> CqlFactory.KvIterable<T> getListAllStatement​(java.lang.String key,
                                                                Offsets.Raw offset,
                                                                int limit,
                                                                com.datastax.driver.core.Session session)
        Description copied from interface: CqlFactory
        Retrieve wrapped statement to execute to list all attributes of given key.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of CqlFactory.KvIterable
        key - key to list attributes of
        offset - offset to start from (return next attribute)
        limit - maximum number of items to return
        session - the connection session
        iterable over keyvalues