Interface Stream<T>

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface Stream<T>
    A stream abstraction with fluent style methods.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default Stream<T> assignEventTime​(groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Long> assigner)
      Assign event time to elements.
      Stream<T> assignEventTime​(java.lang.String name, groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Long> assigner)
      Assign event time to elements.
      <V> Stream<StreamElement> asStreamElements​(RepositoryProvider repoProvider, EntityDescriptor entity, groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.CharSequence> keyExtractor, groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.CharSequence> attributeExtractor, groovy.lang.Closure<V> valueExtractor, groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Long> timeExtractor)
      Convert elements to StreamElements.
      default Stream<T> asUnbounded()
      Process this stream as it was unbounded stream.
      WindowedStream<T> calendarWindow​(java.lang.String window, int count, java.util.TimeZone timeZone)
      Create calendar-based windowed stream.
      java.util.List<T> collect()
      Collect stream as list.
      default Stream<T> filter​(groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Boolean> predicate)
      Filter stream based on predicate
      Stream<T> filter​(java.lang.String name, groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Boolean> predicate)
      Filter stream based on predicate
      default <X> Stream<X> flatMap​(groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Iterable<X>> mapper)
      Remap the stream.
      <X> Stream<X> flatMap​(java.lang.String name, groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Iterable<X>> mapper)
      Remap the stream.
      default <K,​V>
      integratePerKey​(groovy.lang.Closure<K> keyExtractor, groovy.lang.Closure<V> valueExtractor, groovy.lang.Closure<V> initialValue, groovy.lang.Closure<V> combiner)
      Transform this stream to another stream by applying combining transform in global window emitting results after each element added.
      integratePerKey​(java.lang.String name, groovy.lang.Closure<K> keyExtractor, groovy.lang.Closure<V> valueExtractor, groovy.lang.Closure<V> initialValue, groovy.lang.Closure<V> combiner)
      Transform this stream to another stream by applying combining transform in global window emitting results after each element added.
      boolean isBounded()
      Test if this is bounded stream.
      default <X> Stream<X> map​(groovy.lang.Closure<X> mapper)
      Remap the stream.
      <X> Stream<X> map​(java.lang.String name, groovy.lang.Closure<X> mapper)
      Remap the stream.
      <V> void persist​(RepositoryProvider repoProvider, EntityDescriptor entity, groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.CharSequence> keyExtractor, groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.CharSequence> attributeExtractor, groovy.lang.Closure<V> valueExtractor, groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Long> timeExtractor)
      Persist this stream as attribute of entity
      default void persistIntoTargetFamily​(RepositoryProvider repoProvider, java.lang.String targetFamilyname)
      Persist this stream to specific family.
      void persistIntoTargetFamily​(RepositoryProvider repoProvider, java.lang.String targetFamilyname, int parallelism)
      Persist this stream to specific family.
      void persistIntoTargetReplica​(RepositoryProvider repoProvider, java.lang.String replicationName, java.lang.String target)
      Persist this stream to replication.
      void print()
      Print all elements to console.
      default <K,​S,​V,​O>
      reduceValueStateByKey​(groovy.lang.Closure<K> keyExtractor, groovy.lang.Closure<V> valueExtractor, groovy.lang.Closure<S> initialState, groovy.lang.Closure<O> outputFn, groovy.lang.Closure<S> stateUpdate)
      Transform this stream using stateful processing.
      default <K,​S,​V,​O>
      reduceValueStateByKey​(java.lang.String name, groovy.lang.Closure<K> keyExtractor, groovy.lang.Closure<V> valueExtractor, groovy.lang.Closure<S> initialState, groovy.lang.Closure<O> outputFn, groovy.lang.Closure<S> stateUpdate)
      Transform this stream using stateful processing.
      reduceValueStateByKey​(java.lang.String name, groovy.lang.Closure<K> keyExtractor, groovy.lang.Closure<V> valueExtractor, groovy.lang.Closure<S> initialState, groovy.lang.Closure<O> outputFn, groovy.lang.Closure<S> stateUpdate, boolean sorted)
      Transform this stream using stateful processing.
      default <K,​S,​V,​O>
      reduceValueStateByKeyUnsorted​(groovy.lang.Closure<K> keyExtractor, groovy.lang.Closure<V> valueExtractor, groovy.lang.Closure<S> initialState, groovy.lang.Closure<O> outputFn, groovy.lang.Closure<S> stateUpdate)
      Transform this stream using stateful processing without time-sorting.
      default <K,​S,​V,​O>
      reduceValueStateByKeyUnsorted​(java.lang.String name, groovy.lang.Closure<K> keyExtractor, groovy.lang.Closure<V> valueExtractor, groovy.lang.Closure<S> initialState, groovy.lang.Closure<O> outputFn, groovy.lang.Closure<S> stateUpdate)
      Transform this stream using stateful processing without time-sorting.
      default Stream<T> reshuffle()
      Reshuffle the stream via random key.
      Stream<T> reshuffle​(java.lang.String name)
      Reshuffle the stream via random key.
      <K> WindowedStream<Pair<K,​T>> sessionWindow​(groovy.lang.Closure<K> keyExtractor, long gapDuration)
      Create session windowed stream.
      WindowedStream<T> timeSlidingWindow​(long millis, long slide)
      Create sliding time windowed stream.
      WindowedStream<T> timeWindow​(long millis)
      Create time windowed stream.
      default Stream<T> union​(Stream<T> other)
      Merge two streams together.
      default Stream<T> union​(java.lang.String name, Stream<T> other)
      Merge two streams together.
      Stream<T> union​(java.lang.String name, java.util.List<Stream<T>> streams)
      Merge multiple streams together.
      default Stream<T> union​(java.util.List<Stream<T>> streams)
      Merge multiple streams together.
      WindowedStream<T> windowAll()
      Group all elements into single window.
      default Stream<Pair<T,​java.lang.Long>> withTimestamp()
      Add timestamp to each element in the stream.
      Stream<Pair<T,​java.lang.Long>> withTimestamp​(java.lang.String name)
      Add timestamp to each element in the stream.
      default Stream<Pair<java.lang.Object,​T>> withWindow()
      Add window to each element in the stream.
      Stream<Pair<java.lang.Object,​T>> withWindow​(java.lang.String name)
      Add window to each element in the stream.
      void write​(RepositoryProvider repoProvider)
      Directly write this stream to repository.
    • Method Detail

      • flatMap

        default <X> Stream<X> flatMap​(groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Iterable<X>> mapper)
        Remap the stream.
        Type Parameters:
        X - type parameter
        mapper - mapper returning iterable of values to be flattened into output
        the remapped stream
      • flatMap

        <X> Stream<X> flatMap​(@Nullable
                              java.lang.String name,
                              groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Iterable<X>> mapper)
        Remap the stream.
        Type Parameters:
        X - type parameter
        name - name of the operation
        mapper - mapper returning iterable of values to be flattened into output
        the remapped stream
      • map

        default <X> Stream<X> map​(groovy.lang.Closure<X> mapper)
        Remap the stream.
        Type Parameters:
        X - type parameter
        mapper - the mapping closure
        remapped stream
      • map

        <X> Stream<X> map​(@Nullable
                          java.lang.String name,
                          groovy.lang.Closure<X> mapper)
        Remap the stream.
        Type Parameters:
        X - type parameter
        name - stable name of the mapping operator
        mapper - the mapping closure
        remapped stream
      • filter

        default Stream<T> filter​(groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Boolean> predicate)
        Filter stream based on predicate
        predicate - the predicate to filter on
        filtered stream
      • filter

        Stream<T> filter​(@Nullable
                         java.lang.String name,
                         groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Boolean> predicate)
        Filter stream based on predicate
        name - name of the filter operator
        predicate - the predicate to filter on
        filtered stream
      • assignEventTime

        default Stream<T> assignEventTime​(groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Long> assigner)
        Assign event time to elements.
        assigner - assigner of event time
        stream with elements assigned event time
      • assignEventTime

        Stream<T> assignEventTime​(@Nullable
                                  java.lang.String name,
                                  groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Long> assigner)
        Assign event time to elements.
        name - name of the assign event time operator
        assigner - assigner of event time
        stream with elements assigned event time
      • withWindow

        default Stream<Pair<java.lang.Object,​T>> withWindow()
        Add window to each element in the stream.
        stream of pairs with window
      • withWindow

        Stream<Pair<java.lang.Object,​T>> withWindow​(@Nullable
                                                          java.lang.String name)
        Add window to each element in the stream.
        name - stable name of the mapping operator
        stream of pairs with window
      • withTimestamp

        default Stream<Pair<T,​java.lang.Long>> withTimestamp()
        Add timestamp to each element in the stream.
        stream of pairs with timestamp
      • withTimestamp

        Stream<Pair<T,​java.lang.Long>> withTimestamp​(@Nullable
                                                           java.lang.String name)
        Add timestamp to each element in the stream.
        name - stable name of mapping operator
        stream of pairs with timestamp
      • print

        void print()
        Print all elements to console.
      • collect

        java.util.List<T> collect()
        Collect stream as list. Note that this will result on OOME if this is unbounded stream.
        the stream collected as list.
      • isBounded

        boolean isBounded()
        Test if this is bounded stream.
        true if this is bounded stream, false otherwise
      • asUnbounded

        default Stream<T> asUnbounded()
        Process this stream as it was unbounded stream.

        This is a no-op if isBounded() returns false, otherwise it turns the stream into being processed as unbounded, although being bounded.

        This is an optional operation and might be ignored if not supported by underlying implementation.

        Stream viewed as unbounded stream, if supported
      • asStreamElements

        <V> Stream<StreamElement> asStreamElements​(RepositoryProvider repoProvider,
                                                   EntityDescriptor entity,
                                                   groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.CharSequence> keyExtractor,
                                                   groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.CharSequence> attributeExtractor,
                                                   groovy.lang.Closure<V> valueExtractor,
                                                   groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Long> timeExtractor)
        Convert elements to StreamElements.
        Type Parameters:
        V - type of value
        repoProvider - provider of Repository
        entity - the entity of elements
        keyExtractor - extractor of keys
        attributeExtractor - extractor of attributes
        valueExtractor - extractor of values
        timeExtractor - extractor of time
        stream with StreamElements inside
      • persistIntoTargetReplica

        void persistIntoTargetReplica​(RepositoryProvider repoProvider,
                                      java.lang.String replicationName,
                                      java.lang.String target)
        Persist this stream to replication.
        repoProvider - provider of Repository.
        replicationName - name of replication to persist stream to
        target - target of the replication
      • persistIntoTargetFamily

        default void persistIntoTargetFamily​(RepositoryProvider repoProvider,
                                             java.lang.String targetFamilyname)
        Persist this stream to specific family.

        Note that the type of the stream has to be already StreamElements to be persisted to the specified family. The family has to accept given AttributeDescriptor of the StreamElement.

        repoProvider - provider of Repository.
        targetFamilyname - name of target family to persist the stream into
      • persistIntoTargetFamily

        void persistIntoTargetFamily​(RepositoryProvider repoProvider,
                                     java.lang.String targetFamilyname,
                                     int parallelism)
        Persist this stream to specific family.

        Note that the type of the stream has to be already StreamElements to be persisted to the specified family. The family has to accept given AttributeDescriptor of the StreamElement.

        repoProvider - provider of Repository.
        targetFamilyname - name of target family to persist the stream into
        parallelism - parallelism to use when target family is bulk attribute family
      • persist

        <V> void persist​(RepositoryProvider repoProvider,
                         EntityDescriptor entity,
                         groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.CharSequence> keyExtractor,
                         groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.CharSequence> attributeExtractor,
                         groovy.lang.Closure<V> valueExtractor,
                         groovy.lang.Closure<java.lang.Long> timeExtractor)
        Persist this stream as attribute of entity
        Type Parameters:
        V - type of value extracted
        repoProvider - provider of repository
        entity - the entity to store the stream to
        keyExtractor - extractor of key for elements
        attributeExtractor - extractor for attribute for elements
        valueExtractor - extractor of values for elements
        timeExtractor - extractor of event time
      • timeWindow

        WindowedStream<T> timeWindow​(long millis)
        Create time windowed stream.
        millis - duration of tumbling window
        time windowed stream
      • timeSlidingWindow

        WindowedStream<T> timeSlidingWindow​(long millis,
                                            long slide)
        Create sliding time windowed stream.
        millis - duration of the window
        slide - duration of the slide
        sliding time windowed stream
      • sessionWindow

        <K> WindowedStream<Pair<K,​T>> sessionWindow​(groovy.lang.Closure<K> keyExtractor,
                                                          long gapDuration)
        Create session windowed stream.
        Type Parameters:
        K - type of key
        keyExtractor - extractor of key
        gapDuration - duration of the gap between elements per key
        session windowed stream
      • calendarWindow

        WindowedStream<T> calendarWindow​(java.lang.String window,
                                         int count,
                                         java.util.TimeZone timeZone)
        Create calendar-based windowed stream.
        window - the resolution of the calendar window ("days", "weeks", "months", "years")
        count - number of days, weeks, months, years
        timeZone - time zone of the calculation
        calendar windowed stream
      • windowAll

        WindowedStream<T> windowAll()
        Group all elements into single window.
        globally windowed stream.
      • union

        default Stream<T> union​(Stream<T> other)
        Merge two streams together.
        other - the other stream(s)
        merged stream
      • union

        default Stream<T> union​(@Nullable
                                java.lang.String name,
                                Stream<T> other)
        Merge two streams together.
        name - name of the union operator
        other - the other stream(s)
        merged stream
      • union

        default Stream<T> union​(java.util.List<Stream<T>> streams)
        Merge multiple streams together.
        streams - other streams
        merged stream
      • union

        Stream<T> union​(@Nullable
                        java.lang.String name,
                        java.util.List<Stream<T>> streams)
        Merge multiple streams together.
        name - name of the union operator
        streams - other streams
        merged stream
      • reduceValueStateByKey

        default <K,​S,​V,​O> Stream<Pair<K,​O>> reduceValueStateByKey​(groovy.lang.Closure<K> keyExtractor,
                                                                                          groovy.lang.Closure<V> valueExtractor,
                                                                                          groovy.lang.Closure<S> initialState,
                                                                                          groovy.lang.Closure<O> outputFn,
                                                                                          groovy.lang.Closure<S> stateUpdate)
        Transform this stream using stateful processing.
        Type Parameters:
        K - type of key
        S - type of value state
        V - type of intermediate value
        O - type of output value
        keyExtractor - extractor of key
        valueExtractor - extractor of value
        initialState - closure providing initial state value for key
        outputFn - function for outputting values (when function returns null the output is discarded
        stateUpdate - update (accumulation) function for the state the output is discarded
        the statefully reduced stream
      • reduceValueStateByKeyUnsorted

        default <K,​S,​V,​O> Stream<Pair<K,​O>> reduceValueStateByKeyUnsorted​(groovy.lang.Closure<K> keyExtractor,
                                                                                                  groovy.lang.Closure<V> valueExtractor,
                                                                                                  groovy.lang.Closure<S> initialState,
                                                                                                  groovy.lang.Closure<O> outputFn,
                                                                                                  groovy.lang.Closure<S> stateUpdate)
        Transform this stream using stateful processing without time-sorting.
        Type Parameters:
        K - type of key
        S - type of value state
        V - type of intermediate value
        O - type of output value
        keyExtractor - extractor of key
        valueExtractor - extractor of value
        initialState - closure providing initial state value for key
        outputFn - function for outputting values (when function returns null the output is discarded
        stateUpdate - update (accumulation) function for the state the output is discarded
        the statefully reduced stream
      • reduceValueStateByKey

        default <K,​S,​V,​O> Stream<Pair<K,​O>> reduceValueStateByKey​(@Nullable
                                                                                          java.lang.String name,
                                                                                          groovy.lang.Closure<K> keyExtractor,
                                                                                          groovy.lang.Closure<V> valueExtractor,
                                                                                          groovy.lang.Closure<S> initialState,
                                                                                          groovy.lang.Closure<O> outputFn,
                                                                                          groovy.lang.Closure<S> stateUpdate)
        Transform this stream using stateful processing.
        Type Parameters:
        K - type of key
        S - type of value state
        V - type of intermediate value
        O - type of output value
        name - optional name of the stateful operation
        keyExtractor - extractor of key
        valueExtractor - extractor of value
        initialState - closure providing initial state value for key
        stateUpdate - update (accumulation) function for the state
        outputFn - function for outputting values (when function returns null the output is discarded
        the statefully reduced stream
      • reduceValueStateByKeyUnsorted

        default <K,​S,​V,​O> Stream<Pair<K,​O>> reduceValueStateByKeyUnsorted​(@Nullable
                                                                                                  java.lang.String name,
                                                                                                  groovy.lang.Closure<K> keyExtractor,
                                                                                                  groovy.lang.Closure<V> valueExtractor,
                                                                                                  groovy.lang.Closure<S> initialState,
                                                                                                  groovy.lang.Closure<O> outputFn,
                                                                                                  groovy.lang.Closure<S> stateUpdate)
        Transform this stream using stateful processing without time-sorting.
        Type Parameters:
        K - type of key
        S - type of value state
        V - type of intermediate value
        O - type of output value
        name - optional name of the stateful operation
        keyExtractor - extractor of key
        valueExtractor - extractor of value
        initialState - closure providing initial state value for key
        stateUpdate - update (accumulation) function for the state
        outputFn - function for outputting values (when function returns null the output is discarded
        the statefully reduced stream
      • reduceValueStateByKey

        <K,​S,​V,​O> Stream<Pair<K,​O>> reduceValueStateByKey​(@Nullable
                                                                                  java.lang.String name,
                                                                                  groovy.lang.Closure<K> keyExtractor,
                                                                                  groovy.lang.Closure<V> valueExtractor,
                                                                                  groovy.lang.Closure<S> initialState,
                                                                                  groovy.lang.Closure<O> outputFn,
                                                                                  groovy.lang.Closure<S> stateUpdate,
                                                                                  boolean sorted)
        Transform this stream using stateful processing.
        Type Parameters:
        K - type of key
        S - type of value state
        V - type of intermediate value
        O - type of output value
        name - optional name of the stateful operation
        keyExtractor - extractor of key
        valueExtractor - extractor of value
        initialState - closure providing initial state value for key
        stateUpdate - update (accumulation) function for the state
        outputFn - function for outputting values (when function returns null the output is discarded
        sorted - true if the input to the state update function should be time-sorted
        the statefully reduced stream
      • integratePerKey

        default <K,​V> Stream<Pair<K,​V>> integratePerKey​(groovy.lang.Closure<K> keyExtractor,
                                                                    groovy.lang.Closure<V> valueExtractor,
                                                                    groovy.lang.Closure<V> initialValue,
                                                                    groovy.lang.Closure<V> combiner)
        Transform this stream to another stream by applying combining transform in global window emitting results after each element added. That means that the following holds: * the new stream will have exactly the same number of elements as the original stream minus late elements dropped * streaming semantics need to define allowed lateness, which will incur real time processing delay * batch semantics use sort per key
        Type Parameters:
        K - key type
        V - value type
        keyExtractor - extractor of key
        valueExtractor - extractor of value
        initialValue - closure providing initial value of state for key
        combiner - combiner of values to final value
        the integrated stream
      • integratePerKey

        <K,​V> Stream<Pair<K,​V>> integratePerKey​(@Nullable
                                                            java.lang.String name,
                                                            groovy.lang.Closure<K> keyExtractor,
                                                            groovy.lang.Closure<V> valueExtractor,
                                                            groovy.lang.Closure<V> initialValue,
                                                            groovy.lang.Closure<V> combiner)
        Transform this stream to another stream by applying combining transform in global window emitting results after each element added. That means that the following holds: * the new stream will have exactly the same number of elements as the original stream minus late elements dropped * streaming semantics need to define allowed lateness, which will incur real time processing delay * batch semantics use sort per key
        Type Parameters:
        K - key type
        V - value type
        name - optional name of the transform
        keyExtractor - extractor of key
        valueExtractor - extractor of value
        initialValue - closure providing initial value of state for key
        combiner - combiner of values to final value
        the integrated stream
      • reshuffle

        default Stream<T> reshuffle()
        Reshuffle the stream via random key.
      • reshuffle

        Stream<T> reshuffle​(@Nullable
                            java.lang.String name)
        Reshuffle the stream via random key.
        name - name of the transform