All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbsoluteMetric |
A metric with absolute value.
AbstractAttributeWriter |
Base class for AttributeWriter s.
AbstractBulkAttributeWriter |
Abstract implementation of BulkAttributeWriter .
AbstractBulkFileSystemAttributeWriter |
AbstractDataAccessor |
Interface for all modules data accessors to extend.
AbstractDataAccessorFactory<OP extends DataOperator,T extends AbstractDataAccessor> |
Interface for all module data accessor factories to extend.
AbstractDataAccessorFactory.Accept |
Marker for acceptance of given URI to this factory.
AbstractOnlineAttributeWriter |
Abstract implementation of the OnlineAttributeWriter .
AbstractPubSubReader |
AbstractPubSubWriter |
AbstractStorage |
A class that is super type of all data accessors.
AbstractStorage.SerializableAbstractStorage |
AbstractWatermarkEstimator |
The watermark estimator base class.
AccessType |
Access type to attribute family .
ApproxPercentileMetric |
An approximation of 1st, 10th, 30th, 50th, 70th, 90th and 99th percentile.
ApproxPercentileMetricMXBean |
Percentile metric MX bean.
AssignEventTime<T> |
AttributeDescriptor<T> |
An interface describing each attribute.
AttributeDescriptor.Builder |
AttributeDescriptorBase<T> |
AttributeDescriptorCoder |
AttributeDescriptorImpl<T> |
Descriptor of attribute of entity.
AttributeDescriptorProvider<T> |
AttributeFamilyDescriptor |
A family of attributes with the same storage.
AttributeFamilyDescriptor.Builder |
AttributeFamilyProxyDataAccessor |
AttributeFamilyProxyDescriptor |
Proxy attribute family applying transformations of attributes to and from private space to public
AttributeProxyDescriptor<T> |
Proxy to another attribute.
AttributeValueAccessor<InputT,OutputT> |
Interface for value accessors allowed create and get value of attribute
AttributeValueAccessor.Type |
Accessor type
AttributeValueAccessors |
Classes and interfaces allows manipulation with attribute value.
AttributeValueAccessors.ArrayValueAccessor<T,V> |
AttributeValueAccessors.ArrayValueAccessorImpl<T,V> |
AttributeValueAccessors.PrimitiveValueAccessor<T,V> |
AttributeValueAccessors.PrimitiveValueAccessorImpl<T,V> |
AttributeValueAccessors.StructureValue |
AttributeValueAccessors.StructureValueAccessor<T> |
AttributeValueAccessors.StructureValueImpl |
AttributeValueType |
Possible attribute and field types
AttributeWriterBase |
Base interface for OnlineAttributeWriter and BulkAttributeWriter .
AttributeWriterBase.Factory<W extends AttributeWriterBase> |
Base interface for factories in implementing classes.
AttributeWriterBase.Type |
AvroSerializer<T extends org.apache.avro.generic.GenericContainer> |
Basic Avro serializer.
AvroSerializerFactory |
Avro serializer factory for manipulate with SpecificRecords
BatchLogObserver |
Batch observer of data.
BatchLogObserver.OnNextContext |
BatchLogObservers |
BatchLogRead |
BatchLogRead.BatchLogReadOptionsFactory |
BatchLogRead.BatchLogReadPipelineOptions |
BatchLogReader |
Reader of batch data stored in batch storage.
BatchLogReader.Factory<T extends BatchLogReader> |
BatchLogReaders |
BatchLogReaders.ForwardingBatchLogObserver |
BatchLogSourceFunction<OutputT> |
BatchRestrictionTracker |
BatchRestrictionTracker.PartitionList |
BeamDataOperator |
BeamDataOperatorFactory |
BeamProxyTransform |
Transform applicable on proxied attributes in apply section.
BeamStreamProvider |
BeamStreamProvider.Default |
BeamStreamProvider.RunnerRegistrar |
BiConsumer<A,B> |
Apply action to two input elements.
BiFunction<A,B,OUT> |
Binary function of two arguments.
BigTableStorage |
Storage descriptor for bigtable:// URIs.
BlobBase |
Generic descriptor of blob in any blob store (e.g.
BlobLogReader<BlobT extends BlobBase,BlobPathT extends BlobPath<BlobT>> |
BlobLogReader.ThrowingRunnable |
BlobPath<BlobT extends BlobBase> |
A Path representation of a remote blob.
BlobStorageAccessor |
BoundedOutOfOrdernessWatermarkEstimator |
This estimators generates watermarks assuming that elements arrive out of order, but only to a
certain degree defined by configuration: watermark.max-out-of-orderness.
BoundedOutOfOrdernessWatermarkEstimator.Builder |
BoundedOutOfOrdernessWatermarkEstimator.Factory |
BoundedPartition |
Bounded implementation of Partition .
BufferUntilCheckpoint<T> |
Identity transformation which ensures exactly-once output.
BulkAttributeWriter |
Writer for attribute values.
BulkAttributeWriter.Factory<T extends BulkAttributeWriter> |
BulkBlobWriter<BlobT extends BlobBase,AccessorT extends BlobStorageAccessor> |
BulkGCloudStorageWriter |
BulkS3Writer |
BytesSerializer |
Validator of bytes scheme.
CacheableCqlFactory |
A cache for prepared CQL statements.
CachedView |
A view of commit-log that caches (and potentially checkpoints) data from partitions and makes in
random accessible.
CachedView.Factory |
CalendarWindows |
Fork of Beam's CalendarWindows.
CalendarWindows.DaysWindows |
A WindowFn that windows elements into periods measured by days.
CalendarWindows.MonthsWindows |
A WindowFn that windows elements into periods measured by months.
CalendarWindows.YearsWindows |
A WindowFn that windows elements into periods measured by years.
CamelCase |
Transform string to camel case.
CamelCase.Characters |
CassandraDBAccessor |
AttributeWriter for Apache Cassandra.
CassandraPartition |
A Partition in Cassandra.
CassandraStorageDescriptor |
Storage descriptor for Apache Cassandra.
ClassLoaders |
ClassLoaders.ChildFirstURLClassLoader |
ClassLoaders.ChildLayerFirstClassLoader |
ClassLoaders.ContextLoaderFence |
Classpath |
Classpath related utilities.
ClientTransactionManager |
Closures |
Utilities related to creating Closure s from Java.
Commit |
A commit request sent in case there are multiple output attributes written in a transaction.
Commit.TransactionUpdate |
An update to transactional attribute of a transaction.
CommitCallback |
Callback for write and commit log operations.
CommitLogObserver |
Base interface for bulk and online observers.
CommitLogObserver.OffsetCommitter |
Committer for manipulation with offset during consumption.
CommitLogObserver.OnIdleContext |
CommitLogObserver.OnNextContext |
CommitLogObserver.OnRepartitionContext |
CommitLogObservers |
CommitLogObservers.ForwardingObserver |
A @{link LogObserver} that delegates calls to underlying delegate.
CommitLogObservers.TerminationStrategy |
A strategy to use when maximal error count is reached.
CommitLogRead |
CommitLogReader |
Read access to commit log.
CommitLogReader.Factory<T extends CommitLogReader> |
CommitLogReaders |
CommitLogReaders.LimitedCommitLogReader |
CommitLogSourceFunction<OutputT> |
CompileMojo |
A MOJO for compiling config file to java classes.
Compiler |
A compiler of conf files to groovy object.
ConfigConstants |
Constants related to config parsing.
ConfigRepository |
Repository of all entities configured in the system.
ConfigRepository.Builder |
Builder for the repository.
ConfigUtils |
Various utilities related to Config .
ConnFactory |
A factory for connections based on input elements.
Console |
This is the groovysh based console.
ConsoleRandomReader |
A random access reader for console.
Constants |
Various (mostly config related) constants.
Consumer<T> |
Serializable consumer.
ConsumerNameFactory<T> |
Consumer name generator.
Context |
Context created in local instance that can be distributed over wire.
ContextProvider |
ContextualProxyTransform<OP extends DataOperator> |
ContextualTransformation<OP extends DataOperator> |
Converter<T> |
CqlFactory |
A factory CQL queries for data access.
CqlFactory.KvIterable<T> |
Interface for iteration over returned results returning KeyValue s.
DataAccessor |
A data accessor for attribute families.
DataAccessor |
Interface providing various types of data access patterns to storage.
DataAccessorFactory |
DataAccessorFactory |
DataAccessorLoader<OP extends DataOperator,A extends AbstractDataAccessor,T extends AbstractDataAccessorFactory<OP,A>> |
DataOperator |
Labeling interface for Repository implementations to be able to mark their respective operators.
DataOperatorAgnostic |
DataOperatorAware |
DataOperatorFactory<T extends DataOperator> |
Factory for DataOperator with data accessing capabilities provided by specific
DateToLongConverter |
Represent a Date with String representation of epoch millis.
DeclaredThreadSafe |
An annotation that can be used on types that do not need explicit synchronization.
DefaultCqlFactory |
DefaultNamingConvention |
DefaultNamingConventionFactory |
Factory creates default convention for naming files.
DirectAttributeFamilyDescriptor |
Attribute descriptor with associated accessors.
DirectAttributeFamilyProxyDescriptor |
Attribute family proxy descriptor for direct operator.
DirectBatchUnboundedSource |
DirectBatchUnboundedSource.Checkpoint |
DirectBatchUnboundedSource.CheckpointCoder |
Use gzip to compress the serialized checkpoint, as it might easily grow in size (batch
partitions might contain many files).
DirectDataAccessorFactory |
DirectDataAccessorWrapper |
Wrapper of direct data accessor to beam one.
DirectDataOperator |
DirectDataOperator.DelegateDataAccessorFactory |
DirectDataOperatorFactory |
DirectElementWiseTransform |
DirectOperatorGeneratorFactory |
DocumentFormatter |
DocumentFormatter.Default |
DoubleSerializer |
ElasticsearchAccessor |
ElasticsearchClients |
ElasticsearchClients.Configuration |
ElasticsearchStorage |
ElasticsearchWriter |
ElementSerializer<K,V> |
A parser that transforms KV from Kafka (byte[], byte[]) into StreamElement .
ElementWiseProxyTransform |
ElementWiseProxyTransform.ProxySetupContext |
ElementWiseTransformation |
A stateless element-wise transformation applied on incoming data converting single
StreamElement to another StreamElement (s).
ElementWiseTransformation.Collector<T> |
Collector for outputs.
EntityAwareAttributeDescriptor<T> |
EntityAwareAttributeDescriptor.Regular<T> |
EntityAwareAttributeDescriptor.Wildcard<T> |
EntityDescriptor |
An interface representing descriptor of entity.
EntityDescriptor.Builder |
Builder of the descriptor.
EntityDescriptorCoder |
EntityDescriptorImpl |
Descriptor of entity.
Evolving |
This annotation indicates that the given class or
ExceptionUtils |
Utilities related to exception throwing and handling.
ExceptionUtils.ThrowingBiConsumer<A,B> |
BiConsumer throwing exceptions.
ExceptionUtils.ThrowingConsumer<T> |
Consumer throwing exceptions.
ExceptionUtils.ThrowingFactory<T> |
Factory throwing exception.
ExceptionUtils.ThrowingRunnable |
Runnable throwing exception.
ExceptionUtils.ThrowingUnaryFunction<IN,OUT> |
Function throwing exception.
Experimental |
This annotation is used on experimental features and implementations.
ExternalStateExpander |
ExtractKeyToKv |
Factory<T> |
A factory function.
FileFormat |
A specific format of data stored in bulk storage.
FileFormatUtils |
Utility class to be shared between various bulk storages.
FileSystem |
A proxima's abstraction of bulk FS.
FirstPartitionPartitioner |
Partitioner that always send the ingest into first partition.
FlinkGlobalWatermarkTracker |
FloatSerializer |
GaugeMetric |
A metric that holds value that is set to it.
GCloudBlobPath |
A Path representation of a remote Blob .
GCloudBlobPath.GCloudBlob |
GCloudFileSystem |
GCloudLogReader |
GCloudStorageDescriptor |
GlobalWatermarkThroughputLimiter |
A ThroughputLimiter that synchronizes progress of global watermark among distributed
GlobalWatermarkTracker |
A tracker of global watermark progress among multiple (distributed) processes.
GroovyEnv |
Dynamic groovy descriptor of entity.
GStringSerializer |
HadoopBatchLogReader |
Reader of data stored in SequenceFiles in HDFS.
HadoopBulkAttributeWriter |
Bulk attribute writer to Hadoop FileSystem.
HadoopDataAccessor |
DataAccessor for Hadoop Distributed FileSystem.
HadoopPartition |
Partition of files in HDFS.
HadoopStorage |
Writer to HDFS.
HBaseDataAccessor |
DataAccessor for HBase.
HBaseDataAccessor.ConfFactory |
Optional function to be used when creating configuration from URI.
HBaseStorageDescriptor |
A StorageDescriptor for HBase.
HttpAccessor |
Accessor for HTTP(s) and websocket URLs.
HttpStorage |
Storage via HTTP(S) requests.
HttpWriter |
Writer via HTTP(S) requests.
IdentityTransformation |
Transform perfoming identity mapping.
IngestClient |
A client being able to connect and write requests to the ingest gateway.
IngestServer |
The ingestion server.
IngestService |
The ingestion service.
Internal |
Annotation used to mark type as intended for internal use with no backward compatibility
IntSerializer |
JavaSerializer |
Value serializer for java classes.
JdbcBatchLogReader |
JdbcDataAccessor |
JdbcOnlineAttributeReader |
JdbcOnlineAttributeWriter |
JdbcStorageDescriptor |
JmxMetricsRegistrar |
JPMSMain |
Class that is used as entry point for modularized applications.
JsonFormat |
Format storing elements as JSON values, one per line.
JsonProtoSerializerFactory |
Scheme factory for `json-proto` scheme, which transforms json data to same-scheme protobuf.
JsonSerializer |
A serializer of JSON structures.
KafkaAccessor |
Kafka writer and commit log using KafkaProducer .
KafkaConsumerFactory<K,V> |
Factory for KafkaConsumer s attached to the given commit log.
KafkaLogReader |
KafkaStorage |
Storage using KafkaProducer .
KafkaStreamElement |
Data read from a kafka partition.
KafkaStreamElement.KafkaStreamElementSerializer |
KafkaWatermarkConfiguration |
KafkaWriter<K,V> |
${link OnlineAttributeWriter} implementation for Kafka.
KeyAttribute |
A combination of key of an entity, attribute descriptor and (optional) specific attribute.
KeyAttributePartitioner |
Partitioner based on key-value pairs.
KeyAttributes |
KeyPartitioner |
A partitioner based on key of entity.
KeyValue<T> |
KeyValue with Offset .
LocalCachedPartitionedView |
LocalPath |
LogObserver<OffsetT extends,ContextT extends LogObserver.OnNextContext<OffsetT>> |
Base interface for bulk and online observers.
LogObserver.OnNextContext<OffsetT extends> |
LongSerializer |
Serializer factory for Longs.
Metric<T> |
A single metric.
MetricFactory |
Metrics |
Metrics related to the ingest server.
Metrics |
MetricsRegistrar |
MinimalPartitionWatermarkEstimator |
Watermark estimator wrapper for partitioned sources.
ModelGenerator |
Generates code for accessing data of entity and it's attributes.
MultiAccessBuilder |
NamePattern |
Pattern matcher for syntax used for patterns in input config.
NamingConvention |
Interface wrapping generic convention for naming files.
NamingConventionFactory |
Factory for creating convention for naming files.
NotProgressingWatermarkIdlePolicy |
Idle policy doesn't progress watermark on idle.
NotProgressingWatermarkIdlePolicy.Factory |
ObserveHandle |
A interface for handling progress and control consumption of running observe process.
ObserveHandle |
A interface for handling progress and control consumption of running observe process.
ObserveHandleUtils |
ObserverUtils |
Offset |
Offset representing a "pointer" to an element within a batch partition .
Offset |
Interface for implementations and their offset.
Offset.SimpleOffset |
OffsetCommitter<ID> |
A committer of kafka offsets.
OffsetCommitter.Callback |
Callback to be called for performing the commit.
OffsetExternalizer |
Interface provides methods for serializing commit log offset Offset to external formats.
OffsetRestrictionTracker |
OffsetRestrictionTracker.OffsetRange |
Offsets |
Offset based on token function.
Offsets |
Offsets.Raw |
Offset represented by the raw string value.
Offsets.Raw |
Offsets.Token |
Offset represented by a token (hash) of the key.
OffsetTrackingBatchLogReader |
A simple wrapper for batch log reader , that is able to track the "highest"
consumed offset for each partition.
OffsetTrackingBatchLogReader.OffsetCommitter |
OffsetTrackingBatchLogReader.OffsetTrackingBatchLogObserver |
Log observer, that keeps track of the "highest" consumed offset for each partition.
OffsetTrackingBatchLogReader.OffsetTrackingObserveHandle |
Batch observe handle, that has access to consumed offsets.
OnlineAttributeWriter |
Writer for attribute values.
OnlineAttributeWriter.Factory<T extends OnlineAttributeWriter> |
OnlineAttributeWriters |
OpenTsdbConnectionFactory |
OpenTsdbWriter |
OperatorGenerator |
Factory for DataOperator specific enhancements to generated model.
OperatorGeneratorFactory |
Optionals |
Options |
Client related options.
Pair<A,B> |
A generic pair (tuple).
PairCoder<K,V> |
ParquetFileFormat |
Bulk file format which stored data in Parquet format.
Partition |
Interface representing a partition of the commit log.
Partition.IntegerPartition |
PartitionedWatermarkEstimator |
Watermark estimator wrapper for partitioned sources.
Partitioner |
An interface that each class configured in KafkaCommitLog.PARTITIONER_CLASS must
Partitioners |
PassthroughFilter |
A StorageFilter passing in all values.
Path |
PCollectionTools |
Various tools related to manipulation with PCollection s.
Placeholder |
Force creation of -sources and -javadoc jars
Placeholder |
Force creation of -sources and -javadoc jars
Placeholder |
Force creation of -sources and -javadoc jars
Placeholder |
Force creation of -sources and -javadoc jars
Position |
An enum specifying the position in the commit log to start reading from.
ProcessingTimeShiftingWatermarkIdlePolicy |
Idle policy that shifts watermark by the amount of processing time elapsed in the idle state.
ProcessingTimeShiftingWatermarkIdlePolicy.Factory |
ProcessingTimeWatermarkEstimator |
Estimates watermark as processing time.
ProcessingTimeWatermarkEstimator.Builder |
ProcessingTimeWatermarkEstimator.Factory |
ProtoMessageValueAccessor<T extends> |
ProtoSerializerFactory |
Serializer from protobuffers.
ProtoUtils |
ProximaIO |
IO connector for Proxima platform.
ProximaIO.Write |
ProximaParquetReader |
ProximaParquetWriter |
Writer for writing data in parquet format.
ProxyTransform |
A transformation of attribute name applied both on reading and writing attribute.
PubSubAccessor |
PubSubBulkReader |
PubSubDataAccessor |
PubSubDataAccessorFactory |
PubSubStorage |
PubSubUtils |
PubSubWatermarkConfiguration |
Watermark configuration for PubSub
RandomAccessReader |
Reader of data stored in random access storage.
RandomAccessReader.Factory<T extends RandomAccessReader> |
RandomAccessReader.GetRequest<T> |
A wraper for a get request.
RandomAccessReader.Listing |
Type of listing (either listing entities of entity attributes).
RandomAccessReader.MultiFetch |
A facade for fetching multiple KeyValues in single request.
RandomHBaseReader |
RandomAccessReader for HBase.
RandomOffset |
An interface representing offset for paging.
RawOffset |
Offset that is represented by raw string.
Reader |
Proxima's representation of generic reader.
RenameTransformation |
A stateless transformation that performs transformation from one attribute to another.
ReplicationController |
Server that controls replications of primary commit logs to replica attribute families.
Repository |
Repository of all entities configured in the system.
Repository.Validate |
Various validation flags.
RepositoryFactory |
RepositoryFactory.Compressed |
RepositoryFactory.LocalInstance |
RepositoryFactory.VersionedCaching |
RepositoryProvider |
Provider of repository.
Request |
A transactional request sent to coordinator.
Request.Flags |
Response |
Response.Flags |
ResultExtractor<T> |
Simple function, that extracts StreamElement into a desired type.
RetrieveService |
Service for reading data.
RetryStrategy |
RowAsJsonConverter |
RowAsJsonLogReaderStatementFactory |
RunnerUtils |
S3BlobPath |
A Path representation of a remote blob in S3.
S3BlobPath.S3Blob |
S3FileSystem |
S3LogReader |
S3StorageDescriptor |
ScalarMetric |
A metric with single scalar value.
ScalarMetricMBean<T> |
A bean representing a metric.
SchemaDescriptors |
SchemaDescriptors for types.
SchemaDescriptors.ArrayTypeDescriptor<T> |
Array type descriptor allows to use other descriptor as value.
SchemaDescriptors.EnumTypeDescriptor<T> |
Enum type descriptor.
SchemaDescriptors.PrimitiveTypeDescriptor<T> |
Primitive type descriptor with simple type (eq String, Long, Integer, etc).
SchemaDescriptors.SchemaTypeDescriptor<T> |
Generic type descriptor.
SchemaDescriptors.StructureTypeDescriptor<T> |
Structure type descriptor allows to have fields with type as another descriptor.
SchemaRegistrySerializerFactory |
SchemaStreamElementCoder |
SerializableScopedValue<C,V> |
A value that holds a Serializable value and scopes its value to given context.
SerializableUtils |
Various serialization related utilities.
SerializationException |
ServerTransactionManager |
ServerTransactionManager.InitialSequenceIdPolicy |
ServerTransactionManager.InitialSequenceIdPolicy.Default |
ServerTransactionManager.ServerTransactionConfig |
SkewedProcessingTimeIdlePolicy |
Policy returns skewed (delayed) processing time when source is idle.
SkewedProcessingTimeIdlePolicy.Factory |
SqlStatementFactory |
Stable |
Annotation used on stable features.
State |
State.Flags |
StateOrInput<T> |
StateOrInput.StateOrInputCoder<T> |
StateValue |
StateValue.StateValueCoder |
Stats |
Stats aggregating the distribution percentiles.
StatsMBean |
An MBean for distribution stats.
StdoutStorage |
Dummy storage printing data to stdout.
StorageFilter |
A filter that is applied to each input element.
StorageFilter.AndFilter |
Filter performing logical AND of several filters.
StorageFilter.CompoundFilter |
Filter consisting of several filters with applied function.
StorageFilter.OrFilter |
Filter performing logical OR of several filters.
StorageType |
Types of storage.
Stream<T> |
A stream abstraction with fluent style methods.
StreamConfig |
Configuration object for BeamStream .
StreamElement |
Data wrapper for all ingestion requests.
StreamElementCoder |
StreamElementFilter |
StreamElementMaterializer |
Class responsible for converting parquet record into StreamElement .
StreamElementMaterializer.ParquetColumnGroup |
StreamElementMaterializer.ParquetColumnGroup.ParquetColumn |
StreamElementMaterializer.ParquetColumnListGroup |
StreamElementMaterializer.ParquetColumnListRecordConverter |
StreamElementMaterializer.ParquetColumnRecordConverter |
StreamElementWriteSupport |
StreamProvider |
Provider of Stream based on various parameters.
StreamProvider.TerminatePredicate |
StringCompressions |
Utilities related to string compression.
StringConverter<T> |
A converter between a specified java type and String .
StringConverter.DefaultConverter |
StringUtf8Serializer |
TerminationContext |
A context that guards correct termination of batch observation process.
TestableConnFactory |
TestStreamStorage |
Storage with URI scheme test-stream:// .
ThreadPooledObserver |
ThroughputLimiter |
A limiter of data rate coming from various sources.
ThroughputLimiter.Context |
ThroughputLimiter.NoOpThroughputLimiter |
TimeAveragingMetric |
Metric calculating average per time window.
TimeProvider |
Provider of timestamp.
TimestampSupplier |
ToolsClassLoader |
GroovyClassLoader keeping track of generated bytecode.
TransactionalCachedView |
TransactionalOnlineAttributeWriter |
TransactionalOnlineAttributeWriter.TransactionAware |
TransactionalOnlineAttributeWriter.TransactionPreconditionFailedException |
TransactionalOnlineAttributeWriter.TransactionRejectedException |
TransactionalOnlineAttributeWriter.TransactionRejectedRuntimeException |
TransactionalOnlineAttributeWriter.TransactionValidator |
Base class for enforcing constraints on outputs of transaction (e.g.
TransactionCommitTransformation |
TransactionCommitTransformProvider |
TransactionContext |
TransactionContext.Transaction |
TransactionLogObserver |
A CommitLogObserver performing the overall transaction logic via keeping state of
transactions and responding to requests.
TransactionLogObserverFactory |
TransactionLogObserverFactory.Default |
TransactionLogObserverFactory.WithOnErrorHandler |
TransactionManager |
TransactionManager.TransactionConfig |
TransactionManagerServer |
A transaction manager that takes a Repository with configured transactional entities and
attributes and runs (possibly distributed) transaction manager.
TransactionMode |
TransactionMonitoringPolicy |
Policy that can be specified for monitoring transactions during execution.
TransactionPartitioner |
TransactionResourceManager |
Manager of open transactional resources - e.g.
TransactionSerializerSchemeProvider |
TransactionTransformProvider |
Provider of Transformation that is used when transforming
_transaction.commit requests to target families.
Transformation |
TransformationDescriptor |
Descriptor of single transformation specified in transformations .
TransformationDescriptor.InputTransactionMode |
Mode of handling transactional attributes on input.
TransformationDescriptor.OutputTransactionMode |
Mode of handling transactional attribute on output.
TransformationObserver |
Observer of source data performing transformation to another entity/attribute.
TransformationObserver.Contextual |
TransformationObserver.NonContextual |
TransformingCqlFactory<T extends> |
A CQL factory that stores data in other fields than what would suggest the model itself.
TriFunction<F,S,T,R> |
FUnction of three arguments.
TupleCoder |
Coder for Tuple s.
TupleSerializer |
Kryo serializer for Tuple s.
Types |
Various type-related utilities.
UnaryFunction<IN,OUT> |
Function of single argument.
UnaryPredicate<T> |
Predicate that is Serializable .
UnboundedOutOfOrdernessWatermarkEstimator |
Estimator of watermark based on timestamps of flowing elements.
UnboundedOutOfOrdernessWatermarkEstimator.Builder |
UnboundedOutOfOrdernessWatermarkEstimator.Factory |
UriUtil |
Utilities related to URIs.
ValueAsBytesSerializer |
A ElementSerializer that reads values from kafka (discards keys) and returns values as
byte arrays.
ValueAsStringSerializer |
ValueSerializer<T> |
A serializer of values with specified scheme.
ValueSerializer.InitializedWithRepository |
When a ValueSerializer needs to be initialized with Repository instance after
the Repository has need created and initialized, it can implement this interface.
ValueSerializerFactory |
Factory for ValueSerializer .
VoidConsumer |
A function of zero arguments returning void.
WatermarkConfiguration |
Watermark configuration
WatermarkEstimator |
Estimates watermark according to incoming stream elements.
WatermarkEstimatorFactory |
Factory creates watermark estimator instance.
WatermarkIdlePolicy |
Policy defines behaviour how watermark should behave when streaming source is idle
WatermarkIdlePolicyFactory |
Factory creates watermark idle policy instance.
Watermarks |
WatermarkSupplier |
Supplies the current watermark to clients.
WebsocketReader |
Reader of data from websocket (ws, or wss).
WindowedStream<T> |
A stream that is windowed.
Writer |
Proxima's abstraction of writer for bulk data.
ZKGlobalWatermarkTracker |